
Today, as many Sundays, I called my beautiful Grandmother and spent over an hour sharing a good talk. I hung up feeling happy and blessed, even though we are far away geographically, we are so close in spirit that I can really sense that she is here with me; we share so many memories of when I was growing up, being in her house, sharing fun adventures around the city, I love to hear her laugh remembering all the good moments. I also love sharing my stories with her, listening to her advise and making her happy for knowing that I am doing well. As every time we talk, she asked me about the Madonna, the ‘Virgen de la Caridad del Cobre’, patron of Cuba her native island, and as I always I respond that she is here with me, taking good care of me, as she did with her when she migrated form Cuba to Venezuela many years ago. This Madonna has been the most valuable piece of inheritance that I have ever received in my life, and the best part of it was that I did not have to wait until someone passed away to receive it, it was an inheritance of love and life. This Madonna represents many things for me, my family, my values, the love from all of them, my memories, I thank her every day for all that I have and for the lessons learned and as my Grandmother always requests, I light a candle to keep her illuminated. Many people might not understand why, but I really do not care, this is part of my family traditions and I treasure them very close to my heart.

While talking with my Grandmother I realized that even though she gave me one of her most beloved items, I saw how she has given me so much more. I felt like I inherited her sense of humor, her view for life and her youth at heart. I admire her for so many things and love her for who she is; her life and legacy are for me the best inheritance she should ever give me, and when God decides that it is her time to join my grandfather where ever it is they will be, I will always remember her with a big bright smile, laughing at our memories together and grateful for having enjoyed her in life.

Inheritance is that, the love, the lessons, the knowledge and the blessing to know that you enjoyed people near and far, and that you will always treasure them her in your heart.

Once again I will shout to the world in my blog: I love you Abuelita Maya! you are the example of life and love; thank you for making my mom as she is and thank you for being a part of my life and giving me the inheritance of your spirit. You two are my example and I am proud of being the woman you both showed me to be.

Stay tuned!

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